Circles Gives Back For The Holidays

The upcoming Holidays may be a joyous time for many, it can also cause difficulties for many who struggle due to financial hardships and other challenges of life. This year, our Circles community, we participated in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Box through Jackson County Department on Aging. 

Through Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are collected and filled with toys, school supplies, and personal care items, and delivered to children worldwide.   For many of these children, this can be their very first Christmas gift.   Last year, more than 10.5 million shoe box gifts were collected, and this year The Samaritan’s Purse hopes to reach another 11 million children.  As a Circles community, here in Jackson County we collected six shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child.  We organized one box each for a boy and a girl ages 2-4, one box each for a boy and a girl ages 5-9 and one box each for a boy and a girl age 10-14. 

The Department on Aging makes it their mission to aim for the highest quality of life for Jackson County’s senior residents. Operation Christmas Box assisted homebound elderly residents in Jackson County by providing them with gifts and necessities to help them enjoy the Christmas season and most importantly, to let them know that they matter in our community. 

Circles filled seven gift bags in total to the Jackson County Department on Aging for them to gift to their network of Seniors.  Our Team shopped for personal care items, books, and warm socks, among other “wish list” items.  

Through our collaborative efforts this year, we hope that we have brought some cheer to those who are often forgotten during the Holiday season.   


Balsam Mountain Preserve Gift Fund for Jackson County


Appearance WCU Career Fair (2/13)